
Ändring av någon av formulärsinmatningarna kommer att orsaka listan med evenemang att uppdatera med filtrerade resultat.

F5-Configuring BIG-IP-APM

Course length: 3 Days Reference number: F5-TRG-BIG-EGW-APM Location: Online course Tuition: $2995 COURSE DESCRIPTION TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSE INCLUDE: Traffic Processing Policies and Profiles Portal Access Network Access Access Control Lists Application Access & Webtops Web Application Access for LTM Macros and Authentication Client side checks & Actions Advanced Topics Authentication Domains Maintaining BIG-IP APM Customization By […]

Configuring F5 Advanced WAF (previously licensed as ASM)

In this 4-day course, students are provided with a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks. The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion about different F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall tools for detecting and mitigating threats from multiple attack […]

Webinar – Känns det tryggt i molnet?

Välkommen pÃ¥ Webinar med temat "Cloud Deployment" Det finns stora fördelar med att flytta sin IT till molnet, som t.ex. flexibilitet, lägre kostnader och skalbarhet.Men det mÃ¥ste göras pÃ¥ rätt sätt för att inte äventyra IT-säkerheten. Det viktigaste är att ha en säkerhetsstrategi som täcker in hela IT-miljön, oavsett hur den driftas.En viktig aspekt som mÃ¥nga glömmer […]

F5-Administering BIG-IP

F5-Administering BIG-IP Course length: 2 Days Reference number: F5-TRG-BIG-OP-ADMIN Location: Online course Tuition: $1995 COURSE DESCRIPTION TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSE INCLUDE: Getting Started with the BIG-IP System Traffic Processing with LTM Secure Network Address Translation (SNATs) Traffic Management Shell (TMSH) and Managing the BIG-IP System Monitors, Network Map, and Configuration State Profile Concepts Session Persistence […]

F5-Configuring BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager

F5-Configuring BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager Course length: 3 Days Reference number: F5-TRG-BIG-LTM-CFG-3 Location: Online course Tuition: $2995 COURSE DESCRIPTION TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSE INCLUDE: Installation and Licensing Load Balancing Persistence Monitors Profiles iApps Highly Availability Non Load Balancing Virtual Servers NATs and SNATs Selected topics such as IPv6 and Route Domains iRules By the end […]

F5-Configuring BIG-IP-APM

Course length: 3 Days Reference number: F5-TRG-BIG-EGW-APM Location: Online course Tuition: $2995 COURSE DESCRIPTION TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSE INCLUDE: Traffic Processing Policies and Profiles Portal Access Network Access Access Control Lists Application Access & Webtops Web Application Access for LTM Macros and Authentication Client side checks & Actions Advanced Topics Authentication Domains Maintaining BIG-IP APM Customization By […]

Configuring F5 Advanced WAF (previously licensed as ASM)

In this 4-day course, students are provided with a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks. The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion about different F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall tools for detecting and mitigating threats from multiple attack […]

Webinar – Ransomware ready

VI ÄR ALLA MEDVETNA OM RANSOMWARE, MEN HUR SÄKER ÄR DU PÃ… ATT DIN ORGANISATION ÄR REDO FÖR RANSOMWARE? Alla behöver vi hjälpas Ã¥t att utmana de kriminella elementen som rör sig i vÃ¥r digitala värld. Det känns trÃ¥kigt att det skall behövas, men tyvärr blir fler och fler drabbade. 100% säkerhet finns inte om […]

Megalive – State of the Nation 2022

Cuebid fortsätter succen under det aningens klichéartade namnet Megalive. När vi för 3 Ã¥rs seden lanserade #megalive var vi hyfsat nya med att samla 100 deltagare digitalt. Sen dess lever vi digitalt i nästa alla event. Och vi vet att det varit uppskattat sÃ¥ därför vill vi precis som tidigare Ã¥r starta Ã¥ret med nÃ¥got […]